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Voxalytic offers high-sensitivity and high-resolution probes for liquid-state NMR spectroscopy. We provide ready-to-deliver probes for standard NMR and for specialized applications, which include reaction monitoring and screening, battery research, and chirality. Besides these, we offer customization possibility of NMR probes and detectors tailored to specific requirements.  
For more information do not hesitate to contact us.


High-field NMR probe basic specifications:

  • Field strength, from 300 MHz to 1.2 GHz
    Voxalytic’s probes are fully compatible with all NMR spectrometers.

  • Plug and play
    Voxalytic’s probes are delivered as ready-to-use with your system.

  • Multi resonance, double-, triple or quadruple nuclei
    Voxalytic’s NMR probes offer high-sensitivity, over the frequency range, and allows direct observation on the X-channel.

  • Pulsed-field gradient (PFG)
    Voxalytic’s highly efficient and linear Z-gradient allows to run gradient based NMR pulse sequences with lower currents (in the range of mA).

  • Sample handling
    Voxalytic offers 2 types of probes: sample transportation via flow or with NMR test tubes. This gives the option for loading the sample into the probe through fluidic ports or by use of the spectrometer’s airlift.

  • External lock
    A separate stand-alone field locking sensor equipped with a deuterated sample is included in the probe to compensate field drifts.

  • Digitalised tuning and matching
    Voxalytic’s tuning and matching electronic circuits enable rapid adjustment during NMR acquisition.

Custom high-field probe opportunities:

  • Derived from a standard probe
    Custom probes are built around our standard probe so that, you can expect the same NMR performance tailored to your application.

  • Custom features are (but not limited to):

    • Optical input for optical excitation of the sample to perform investigations of photochemical reactions or to enhance the signal by photo-CIDNP.

    • Optical output for implementing correlated UV/VIS/NIR and NMR spectroscopy. Both optical pathways are accessible via standard optical fiber connectors.

    • Parallel NMR for high-throughput screening. Up to 4 sample streams can be monitored simultaneously each capable of 2D NMR spectroscopy.

    • Nano-litre NMR detectors for studies of the metabolomics of cell groups or clusters. High sensitivity and temperature control allow for studies of biological samples whereas, microfluidic capabilities ensure perfect perfusion conditions, and supply of nutrition and oxygen.

    • Implementation of external hardware into or onto the probe for, e.g., DNP, additional sensors, micro fluidics, and more.

NMR detectors:

  • High-field detectors
    Voxalytic offers a range of small-volume detectors, from 100 nL to 10 µL, with a competitively high signal-to-noise ratio, excellent B1 uniformity, and high RF efficiency. Tuned and matched RF interfaces ranging from 300 MHz to 1.2 GHz and more if requested.

  • Low-field detectors
    Voxalytic’s small volume detectors, also available as external frequency lock detectors, for NMR applications using low fields.




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